NAG Fortran Library

F02 – Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

F02 Chapter Introduction

Mark of

F02BJF Example Text Example Data 6 All eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors of generalized eigenproblem by QZ algorithm, real matrices (Black Box)
F02EAF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and Schur factorization of real general matrix (Black Box)
F02EBF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real general matrix (Black Box)
F02ECF Example Text Example Data 17 Selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real nonsymmetric matrix (Black Box)
F02FAF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix (Black Box)
F02FCF Example Text Example Data 17 Selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix (Black Box)
F02FDF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric-definite generalized problem (Black Box)
F02FHF Example Text Example Data 11 All eigenvalues of generalized banded real symmetric-definite eigenproblem (Black Box)
F02FJF Example Text Example Data 11 Selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sparse symmetric eigenproblem (Black Box)
F02GAF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and Schur factorization of complex general matrix (Black Box)
F02GBF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex general matrix (Black Box)
F02GCF Example Text Example Data 17 Selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex nonsymmetric matrix (Black Box)
F02GJF Example Text Example Data 8 All eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors of generalized complex eigenproblem by QZ algorithm (Black Box)
F02HAF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex Hermitian matrix (Black Box)
F02HCF Example Text Example Data 17 Selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex Hermitian matrix (Black Box)
F02HDF Example Text Example Data 16 All eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex Hermitian-definite generalized problem (Black Box)
F02SDF Example Text Example Data 8 Eigenvector of generalized real banded eigenproblem by inverse iteration
F02WDF Example Text Example Data 8 QR factorization, possibly followed by SVD
F02WEF Example Text Example Data 13 SVD of real matrix (Black Box)
F02WUF Example Text Example Data 14 SVD of real upper triangular matrix (Black Box)
F02XEF Example Text Example Data 13 SVD of complex matrix (Black Box)
F02XUF Example Text Example Data 13 SVD of complex upper triangular matrix (Black Box)

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© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 2002